Friday, October 4, 2013

Literature Analysis #1

"The short second of Bree Tanner an eclipse novella"
By Stephanie Meyer

In this story, Stephanie wanted her audience to experience another side of the Twilight saga.
Bree had a normal teenage life until Victoria changed her. She now is a newborn. She meets Riley, he is making a newborn vampire army. But Bree meets an older vampire, Diego.They become really good friends. One day everything changes they discover that everything that Riley has told them is false. Before the confront Riley, Diego kisses Bree. Diego goes to confront Riley but never comes back. Riley tells Bree he sent him somewhere, but he is actually dies. Victoria made this army to kill Bella but Edward kills her. The whole newborn army is dead except Bree. She explains everthing to the Cullens and they take charge. Bree's life will never be the same.

Love: Love helps them discover the truth and helps them stay together. It give Bree comfort that someone is looking out for her.
Mystery: Mystery is huge in this book. Bree doesn't understand why this happened to her or how to go on with her life. Riley doesn't tell much, he keep everything to him and wont give explanations.

The tone of Stephanie is very mysterious and it has a little bit of love. Some examples are:
" But then, what do want us for?"
"Wouldn't Riley's standard of living be a little higher if he surround himself with decent vampires? If we're supposed to protect her, shouldn't he be looking for the smart ones?"
"He ducked close and kissed me-just a peck, but right on the lips. The shock of it zinged through my whole body."

4." I didn't want to speak up and draw attention,.."(pg.2)
This is an example of foreshadowing because at the end Bree isn't the same shy girl.
" I had to get to Diego." (pg.137)
This is an example of motivation characterization because all the action Bree makes is so that she can have Diego back.
" We cannot kill this child." (pg.150)
This dramatic irony because she stll gets killed by the Volturi.
" We were hunters, not an army. There was no team. It was a race for blood." (pg.139)
This is the climax because they all are fighting to kill Bella Swan, they want her blood.
"Seattle under siege-death toll rises again." (pg.1)
This i an example of the exposition because that is what vampires do, kill to survive. An the story is about vampires.


  1. Hey Jackie!!!!! I thought you did a great job. I think its cool how this story is connected to the Twilight Saga Serious.

  2. Why will Bree's life never be the same?
